Surrendered militants in Tripura demand fulfillment of commitments



Surrendered militants in Tripura, represented by the Tripura Indigenous People's Council, are demanding the fulfillment of commitments that were made during peace accords with the Indian government.

Agartala, Tripura, June 8 (HBTV): Surrendered militants in Tripura, represented by the Tripura Indigenous People's Council, are demanding the fulfillment of commitments that were made during peace accords with the Indian government.       

The surrendered militants have expressed opposition to the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), stating that it violates agreements to repatriate Bangladeshi nationals who arrived after 1971.  

The organization, composed of former members of various rebel groups, expressed dismay over infiltration from Bangladesh. They have insisted on setting up measures outlined in past accords to prevent it.            

Further, the former rebels argue that implementing the CAA contradicts previous agreements. The groups have urged for the introduction of an inner line permit system, model villages, and housing schemes for the former rebels.         

A memorandum to the Tripura governor from them emphasized the need to uphold promises that were given to them to address concerns of indigenous peoples and to maintain peace in the region.